
CASA TABU MILANO, Brera, Via Melone 2
Our Milanese “home”, where you will find exposed the best of our collections and where you will be welcomed in an elegant home.
A space dedicated to beauty, to the pleasure of designing with wood, to training on the latest generation of wooden surfaces.
CASA TABU houses the TAILORS’ FACTORY of SKEENS Tabu Boiserie, and all the lines of this collection of charming decorative surfaces.
The interior design was curated by TABU in collaboration with the Ad-Myra studio.
Address: Via Melone, 2 – 20121 Milano
Email: milano@tabu.it
How to reach CASA TABU
The show-room is located in a pedestrian area in the Brera district and is located equidistant from three Metro stations:
- M2 GREEN, LANZA stop
- M1 RED, CAIROLI stop
For those who want to arrive by car there is the garage “BRERA” Via Brera 3A (the nearest), Tel. 028057537 otherwise:
- Parking “Pontaccio” in Via Pontaccio 8;
- Parking “San Marco” in via San Marco 13;
- Street parking in Via San Marco 13 (unusable on market days, Mondays and Thursdays).
The area requires the AREA C pass, free for hybrid or full Electric power (these have free parking).
Monday: Morning closed – afternoon 14.00 -18.00
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday – Sunday: Closed (except specific needs)