TEDxLakeComo XIII 11-12 November 2023 @ Villa Erba, Cernobbio
A “neologism” to try to describe this time of crossroads and ridges, so full of challenges but also of great opportunities. A coin-word, with two faces, one positive, the other negative. A term that generates distinctions and separations: right? Are you wrong? An invitation to reinterpret the old and explore the new: where are we and where could we go, together? A window word that calls for new looks and changes in perspective: decentralizing oneself to know and recognize? Boundary that orders, protects and separates, which delimits an inside and an outside, a before and an after. Or a porous threshold, to be crossed to regenerate the future?
The limit or Illimite? Or, perhaps, within contemporary complexity, will it only be the ability to combine the limit and the unlimited in always unstable balances that will save us?
TABU is an Exploratory Partner of the next edition of TEDxLakeComo XIII which will be held on 11 and 12 November at Villa Erba in Cernobbio. Men and women who think, research, undertake, innovate, create and experiment with ideas that deserve to be shared will return to the Villa Erba stage. Accompanied on a journey of inspiration, TABU contributes to doing its part, to take a step forward together in the never-ending search for a slightly better world.