Wood Festival, Cantù – TABU Open day 12 and 19 NOVEMBER 2022
It’s possible to visit our production departments during the Wood Festival.
If you are participating in our Contest ( www.ideasxwood.it) it is highly recommended.
The visit lasts 1h 30 .
Saturday 12 November 2022- I group 9.30, II group 10.30
SatuRday 19 November 2022- I group 9.30, II group 10.30
Pre-registration is mandatory.
Kindly send an email to segreteria@tabu.it
– Subject: Open Day + DATA and SELECTED GROUPS
– First name + Surname
– qualification (student and university/academy or professional/city),
– mobile phone number (MANDATORY)
Cantu, 5 October 2022