Festival del Legno 2023 | “Botteghe Aperte” IN TABU
Festival del Legno 2023
“Open Shops” IN TABU
Saturday 18th of November 2023
Citizens, families, artisans:
First group 9.15 – 10.15
Second group 10.45 – 11.45
SUBJECT TO REGISTRATION by 16 November 2023 at the email t.violani@tabu.it – 031714493
Architects registered for the event through the Order with the attribution of 2 training credits
Single group: 10.00 – 12.00
- Welcome and Introduction:
- Historical notes on the birth of wood dyeing technology in Brianza
- What is a veneer
- Natural veneer and precious woods: characteristics
- The multilaminar wood veneer: technical and aesthetic characteristics of the Newwood and Caleidolegno veneers
- FSC forestry certification
- the Compasso d’ORO Honorable Mention collection: the Red BOX 555
VISIT TO THE DEPARTMENTS – the production cycle
- Log warehouse and park
- Shearing
- Derulation and in particular the processing of briars
- Cutting methods
- The drying of the veneer before and after dyeing
- The dye shop
- Ironing of the veneer
- The laboratory: “custom” colors and light resistance tests
- Splicing
- Purification plants
- During the visit the following collections will be illustrated on a technical level:
- GRAFFITI large format inlays
- GROOVY wooden bas-reliefs
- SKEENS Latest generation boiserie
The maximum number of participants is 25 people for each session.
The venue is accessible for any disabled person.