Contest IDEASxWOOD. The Finalists and Award Winners
Dear Participants,
We have the results.
Below is the list in alphabetical order of the finalists of the IDEASxWOOD Contest, Students and Professionals.
We have tried to enhance the work and skill of as many people as possible, establishing special mentions for this purpose.
In the Student Category, the Jury awarded the following prizes:
1st-2nd-3rd classified, the Jury Mention, the IQD Students Special Prize, the President of the Jury Mention, the Valcucine Prize, the Contract Mention, the Colors of Wood Mention, 2 FSC® Mentions.
The finalists are divided into the following Universities/Academies: Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Istituto Marangoni Milano, Politecnico di Milano, IED European Institute of Design.
The following candidates, in alphabetical order, are the finalists of the Student Category and in the Award Ceremony to be held in Milan in September, they will know which prize they won: Bertolini Stefano (Italy), Ferla Nicola (Italy), Hadener Andrea (Italy), Parise Andrea (Italy), Pradipta Owen (Indonesia), Prelle Melly Johans – Giusto Gabriele (Peru, Italy), Sonzogni Laura – Luca Regonesi (Italy), Urazbayeva Aigherim (Kazakhstan), Viaggio Nina – D’Amato Simona (Italy), Vural Ezgi (Turkey).
In the Professional Category, the Jury awarded the following prizes:
1st-2nd-3rd classified, the Jury Mention, the Jury President’s Mention, the Contract Mention, 2 Colors of Wood Mentions, the “Skeens Tabu Boiserie” Mention, 2 FSC® Mentions, the FontanaArte Prize, the Prize Driade, the IQD Professionals Special Award.
The following candidates, in alphabetical order, are the finalists of the Professional Category and in the Award Ceremony to be held in Milan in September they will know which prize they won: Agnoletti Rebecca-Marchesani Arianna – Beretta Chiara, Buffoli Matteo – Gargioni Matteo, Fornari Mattia, Molteni Victoria, Mozzicafreddo Patrizio, Mundula Gabriele, Pannozzo Vittorio, Sabatti Simone Luigi, Seminara Annamaria – Cicirielli Maria Francesca, Sutto Alessandro, Verdoliva Noemi.
The date and place of the Award Ceremony will be confirmed shortly, sorry but the anti-Covid security provisions forced us to wait.
Our biggest compliments to the Finalists, and above all, our thanks to ALL the candidates who participated: in particular, we address the invitation for the third edition, which will begin in September, ensuring our maximum support in the preparation.
For everyone, as soon as possible we will organize the Open days that we have given up in the past months, and we remain available at the email
So see you soon!
The Organization of the Contest
July 9, 2020