#BLACKFRIDAY from Wednesday 24th till Friday 26th, 2021
TABU is glad to announce the promotion “BLACK FRIDAY”!
For all orders received from Wednesday 24th till Friday 26th, for any product available on stock, there will be an additional discount of 15%*.
We invite you to take advantage of this promotion and, for any assistance you might need, please feel free to contact your Tabu commercial person.
*Promotion Rules: Promotion is applicable to all Tabu products available on stock. The Order must be received from Wednesday 24th till Friday November 26th, confirmed latest by December 3rd and invoiced within the current year 2021. Ongoing orders or programs are excluded from this promotion. Apart from the special discount of this promotion, standard Tabu selling condition apply. Tabu, at any time, reserves the right to modify these conditions.